While I have been cutoff from a lot of 'what happens in India' due to our own FWPs (First World Problems - here in US), I could not miss the horror and the reaction that this recent rape evoked. I saw some obvious reactions from the newly empowered social netizens of India and could not help but think...enough talk (when I say 'talk', in current day it means 'Post', 'Like' or 'Share' on FB, that's what we do to communicate now) but what are you doing to change this from happening ever again? Some of the things I saw and why I think they are as stupid as calling us a developing country (a $ driven bubble and a hungry consumer culture), are listed below. Again, I have been too distant for too long, so some of my facts may not be right and I would appreciate any corrective measures/education that the readers can help me with. As always, this is just an expression of my RAW thoughts.
- Hang thou and thy shall not rape!!! - Really??? You think that if Indian legislature enforced capital punishment for this crime, it would 'prevent' future rapes? You think that the rapist would NOT have done what he did had he known that he would be killed instead of being sentenced for life? This is not Game Theory. I don't call myself a rapist's shrink, but I can only imagine that when a drunk/mentally challenged/self-abused a'hole (stereotypical rapist) is about to rape a victim, he is 'simply' not thinking. All that is driving him is lust and his animal instincts (we will visit this later). If he could think straight at all, he would never rape in the first place. In that moment of misery and the minutes that lead to it, their mind stopped working. Capital punishment will only do us one good (which I do support) - get rid of the cockroaches and not having taxpayers pay for the rest of their miserable lives. I am for it if that's the intention, but this is not a preventive measure.
- Candle light vigil - Really??? Once again....REALLY? This is India. Its not Newtown, Connecticut. No one gives a shit to your candle other than media which makes their money out of capturing your naivety on camera and then selling it to more naive consumers. There has to be better things you could do with your time - like imparting sex education to slum kids (more on this below too) and help control mindless alcoholism. Does the Indian judicial or legislative system care about your candles??? I really doubt.
- The rest of them - make them wear proper attire, more safety, more policing, make victim's name public, etc... they aren't even worth discussing, as they are all as useless as is a condom to a rapist (in the current context).
The more important reason I wanted to write this post is because while I was trying to analyze, why and how could someone do something so inhuman, I came up with some obvious reasons which may not be very obvious to many of us and some corrective measures we could adopt -
- General Lack of Respect for Women - If as a growing child, a boy sees disrespect for women being the norm in his house, and he sees it being rewarded (the male patriarch does it, takes pride in it and gets away with it), I strongly believe that the child will follow suit. It is my request to the candle-burning section of our society to instead try to take that time to talk to children of the drivers, the gardeners, the duudh waalas and the press waalas that they pay petty rupees to do their odd jobs, to ensure their minds are not clouded with such thoughts. If they are, educate them, help them see what's right and what's not and if needed, bring the wrong ones to justice (go to your local police station, dont post about it on FB). And above all, charity begins at home...if you see a woman in your family not being treated equally (in every aspect of the word EQUAL), stand up for her. Help her, help others in your family - dont go burning candles when you can't use that time to help a child who is growing up in your family's shadow become a better man/woman. Spend the time and money where it can have better impact.
- Negligible Sex Education - For those who think we Indians are good at this, I will take my own example. I come from an urban, well-financed, modern family. Despite all of this, until the age of 12, I thought kids were born when a man kissed a woman. My first introduction to sex education was at the age of 13 through Porn (moving and print). Being raised in a boy's family (two sons, a father and a mother - sole female in the house), we had NO insight into anything feminine at all in our lives - heck I didnt even know what periods mean (and I am not alone) until I heard about a term called PMS and looked it up on the Internet. I never got any sex education as part of my academics (good schools in Delhi and Jodhpur) or from my family, etc. THIS IS NOT HOW ITS SUPPOSED TO BE! I humbly request my elders and peers - men and women, who have children or will have them in the future - talk to your children. Don't let them explore their sexuality through the glasses provided by the porn industry or MTV ('un' reality TV) for that matter. You can be their portals to a knowledgeable, healthy life which includes their evolving sexuality. Answer their questions - dont let them hunt for the answers in the wrong directions. Sex should not be taboo. It has always been and will be a part of our life and existence. Especially women - you owe this to your sons, daughters and siblings...make the society a better and a sexier (in the healthy and 'right' way) place to live.
- Its SEX! Lets stop being hypocrites - Its economics - supply vs. demand. We all, but more visibly, men and boys demand more sex (which most of them they have no idea about - other than that its just about f'king anything that walks) and their seems to be a tight supply. We (majority of Indians) are presumably a sex starved society. Something needs to change...else lust will rule over our senses and more of this shame will happen. Lets open up a little here...a clean, healthy and regulated prostitution industry might be a quick win. Eventually, we could do away with it when we grow up as a more sexually mature society where its normal for consenting adults to have sex and not be banished for even talking about it.
- Last but not the least - I beg of the ladies - be aware that you live in bad times and in a bad place (eg. Delhi). Be in-charge of your safety - dont trust the society or the government to take care of you. Not because, you dont deserve it, but because they cant even take care of themselves. Learn Kickboxing, run 5K everyday, do some pushups, become stronger...so that if next time you're ever in a situation where you feel unsafe, kick those balls and kick them hard. A side effect will be that you will get fitter, healthier and stronger while doing this. But yes, dont go ahead with making the annual deposit to that fancy Gold's Gym that just opened up. Make humble beginnings - run in the park or EAT right to begin with.
I think we have a duty towards the present and future of our society and the safety of the citizens that are part of it. As part of that duty, we need to become better citizens ourselves and do what we can do best - enable others in becoming better off. Blaming others and pointing fingers at politicians and the Police isn't helping anyone - it never did. Take action and avoid stupid reaction!
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